Hello World
Trying out this Hugo thing to bring a new website to life on my eponymous domain (welcome, by the way). I’ve used other static site generators like Jekyll in the past and had no complaints with it, and I am a card-carrying lover of the Ruby programming language in which it is written (which is perhaps showing my age a bit), but naturally I wanted to try something new.
Part of that learning experience has involved deploying this to Cloudflare Pages (which was remarkably simple and fabulously documented), which was a very similar experience to using GitHub Pages if you have tried that before, but I already use Cloudflare for DNS and providing a tunnel for some of my selfhosted apps, and figured I could try a little bit more of what they offer. Of course, the source code is still hosted on Github (which anyone with a passing interest in software development will be familiar with already), but it’s probably prudent not to put too much stuff in one place (I may choose to migrate the code somewhere else in future, who knows?)
So, let’s see how it goes! If you’re reading this at the time of publication you’ll notice I’ve got a bit more work to do to finish this stuff off, but hopefully it will continue to be quick and painless (I think it’s taken about 2 hours to get to this point which is pretty good going) and this will soon be the kind of place I can be sort of proud of again.
To tell the truth, it’s been a long time since I had anything to show here, and even then it was just a little landing page for prospective employers or other industry contacts to find out a little bit about me, but inspired by a nagging nostalgia for the times when everyone seemed to have their own personal blog, before the advent of the malevolent forces of Facebook, Twitter et al (no links to them, yuck), and a yearning for a simpler time, I’m going to try and publish a collection of my thoughts here and maybe some of it will be useful or interesting to other people.
Post number one, done… maybe the next one will be more interesting?